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PhD Help in Embedded Systems, Hardware Implementation - Chanakya Research

PhD help in Embedded Systems/VLSI

Embedded systems is a combination of computer hardware and software within a device, designed to perform a particular function. With the development of new products and services, the system is used to improve the living habits of the society, the quality of human life, and the environment. The system is found in electronic devices like mobile phones, cameras, and automobiles.Broadly, there are four areas covered in the embedded systems namely: Real-time and wireless communication, Embedded parallel computing, Modelling and simulation of the system, and Model-based testing and verification. We help right from the stage of topic selection for Embedded systems PhD, VLSI to implementation, hardware implementation and validation of results.

Chanakya Research offers a complete help from topic selection to hardware implementation, software implementation in Embedded systems. We, at Chanakya Research, uses a variety of technologies in VLSI for valuable PhD research. The techniques we use in VLSI are:

  • Modelsim 6.5b Simulator
  • Xilinx ISE 10.1 System generator
  • Quartus 11.1
  • Tanner v7 EDA tool (S-Edit, T-spice, W-Edit)
  • Micro wind & DSCH v2
  • Hspice
  • Pspice
  • LTspice
  • FPGA
  • Spartan IIIe
  • Altera DE2
  • Hardware Description Language (Verilog HDL, VHDL)

Our experts have worked in the core areas of VLSI, DSP and Wireless communication research, antenna design, vector network analyser, FPGA based image processing board, and IoT based projects. Chanakya Research provides lab facility with all the technologies available for the scholars to research. The laboratory is equipped with microprocessor and microcontroller programmer kit. The research center enables the scholars to learn the basic concepts and techniques with its edge cutting technical tools. The PhD students can learn about the state of the art of the field and the latest technology used for the integrated embedded system.

Some popular topics for PhD in Embedded system are:

  • 1) An efficient routing technique based diagnosis of faults in sensor nodes using optimisation technique.
  • 2) Analysis on Prediction of Deficiency in Plant with Incorporation of Precision agriculture and Classifier Techniques.
  • 3) IOT based alert system for public transportation regarding passenger requirement and availability.

A PhD scholar must be open to learning when it comes to the technical field, as he learns new terms and the use of various technologies and tools. The expert will guide the student and teach them with the implementation of tools required in their research. Chanakya Research helps the researcher at every step of their study from topic selection to finalisation of research for VLSI, Hardware Implementation of Embedded systems, Low power VLSI and similar topics.

    PhD Help in Embedded Systems / VLSI